StoneAge Engineering Team
John Krauser
CAD Technician
John has spent 30 years as a CAD operator/designer. He is old enough to have used a t-square, triangles and “drafting machines” and professes to still have one. Finding himself in the right spot at the right time, John had the opportunity to work on one of the first powerful 3D CAD systems (Unigraphics) in 1984. We’ve been fortunate to have him here at StoneAge for over 8 years.
What is your favorite tool?
Blastrack, because of its versatility and simplicity.
What pumps you up?
Not many things make my heart race – except perhaps avid bicycling, racquetball, high altitude, or buying something new that’s built well enough to last longer than I’ve come to expect. Give me a good fiction and QUIET, and I’m a happy camper.
What is your superpower?
Being the last person in the world that’s not on Facebook. (Except for Mike Kreeger)
How to contact me:
Toll-Free: (866) 795-1586 x1044
Direct: 970-403-1444