StoneAge Engineering Team

Joe Schneider

Product Engineer

Joe Schneider was born and raised here in Durango, Colorado. He enjoys riding mountain bikes, dirtbikes, and snowmobiles during his free time. Some of his most notable experiences are several ceramics, welding and wood working classes in high school, operating heavy equipment, welding and working on motorcycles during summer jobs, and earning an undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. After graduating college he joined the StoneAge team in 2012.

What is your super power ?

My super power is having fun! I enjoy what I do: working, riding, building things.

What pumps you up?

Engineering lights my fire. I’m pumped when I get to assemble fresh parts for a new design. I also enjoy seeing things blown to pieces by water.

What is your favorite tool?

The Banshee 9.5 because it looks so cute, like something Grandma would have, until Grandma sprouts horns, fangs and gnarly claws. Equally as cool is the OC8 250 carbide nozzle, solely because the power required to utilize it is just mind blowing.

How to contact me:

Toll-Free: (866) 795-1586 x1043
Direct: 970-403-1443

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