StoneAge Engineering Team

Colton Andersen

CAD TechnicianColton rides!

Colton has been with StoneAge for just over a year. He enthusiastically learns as much as he can about the waterblasting industry in order keep improving and developing the best tools in the industry.

What is your favorite tool?

I would have to say the Banshee. It truly has a unique, yet simple, design that works great! Also, the Banshee makes a sweet noise and sounds like it could blast through anything!

What is your super power ?

I love incorporating a customer’s needs into a design. It is challenging to do, yet it is very gratifying once it is complete.

What pumps you up?

Watching these tools in action! It is amazing and very humbling to actually witness what the power of water can do.

How to contact me:

Toll-Free: (866) 795-1586 x1062
Direct: 970-403-1462

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