StoneAge Customer Service Team

Valoree Miller

Customer Service Specialist

Starting with StoneAge 7 years ago as a part time summer receptionist, Valoree’s position grew into full time phones, accounts receivable and tool repairs, which turned into the CEO’s Executive Assistant, then grew into full time Customer Technical Service/Sales Support.

What is your favorite tool?

I am primarily involved with the Warthog tools, so therefore the complete line is my favorite. I really never knew there was anything other than Warthog tools out there until recently when given the opportunity to travel and learn about the entire sewer industry. I still am completely confident that the Warthog tools are the best sewer cleaning tools in the industry and I love selling them, and assisting the people that  use them with the technical information they need to be successful.

What is your super power?

My superpower is my memory – I can remember the names of customers I spoke with years ago!

What pumps you up?

I have a lot of things to get pumped up about – first of those being my beautiful, successful children and my sweet and loving grandson, as well as my entire extended family located throughout this great country!  Secondly, all my terrific colleagues and being successful in my position here at StoneAge! To hear a customer tell me how much they love Warthog tools and thank me for my time and effort in making them successful also makes me very happy.

How to contact me:

Toll-Free: (866) 795-1586 x1012
Direct: 970-403-1412

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