StoneAge Customer Service Team

Daniel Jaber

Customer Service Specialist

My background is in the building industry. I have been a Carpenter, Superintendent, and General Contractor for 22 years and have built projects in San Francisco, Telluride, and Durango. The past year at StoneAge has presented me with new challenges and a new industry.

What is your favorite tool?

I like the Banshee and Spitfire tools because they both work on water bearing technology, which I find fascinating and simple at the same time. The tools are highly regarded and used by contractors around the world.

What is your super power?

Able to leap small buildings in a single bound. My specialty is follow through. I pride myself on a high level of commitment to my customers, and a willingness to say “I do not know, but I will find out” in order to get the correct information to the customer.

What pumps you up?

Life and all it has to offer. Jane and I have 2 kids and are an active family. We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful place where there are always plenty of ways to have fun outdoors. We all ride mountain bikes, we ski, we camp a lot and like to explore the Southwest.

How to contact me:

Toll-Free: (866) 795-1586 x1066
Direct: 970-403-1846

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