StoneAge Chief Executive

Kerry Siggins

Chief Executive Officer

Kerry is the CEO of StoneAge. After joining the team in January of 2007 as the Director of Operations, Kerry has since grown with the company. She has been key in building StoneAge’s global presence and distribution network. Her passion lies in organizational and leadership development and is focused on helping StoneAge employees grow both personally and professionally. Kerry was recently named one of Colorado’s Top 25 Most Influential Young Professionals and she is very involved in several Colorado and Durango based economic development groups.

What is your favorite tool?

My favorite tool is the Banshee. I appreciate the complexity of the technology yet it’s simple to use and maintain. This tool changed the way tubes are cleaned and we are very proud of it.

What is your super power?

Understanding what makes people tick.

What pumps you up?

Meeting with customers and learning about how they use our products. Developing new products that will change the industry. Pushing myself and the company to be better than we were the year before. And of course doing anything outside, on a trail!

What is your proudest moment?

Watching all of the staff at StoneAge grow over the last several years. It’s very rewarding to see a person excel when you help to get him or her in the right role and then empower decision making. It encourages people to take control of their daily tasks and overall careers.

How to contact me:

Toll-Free: (866) 795-1586 x1034
Direct: 970-403-1434

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